Sleep: Recommended Resources
Three in a Bed by Deborah Jackson is a comprehensive look at the cultural factors that lead to sleep space. Her style is warm and conversational, and the meticulous research is evident. It’s a warm and fuzzy feeling to know how many of our ancestors—and our contemporaries—share sleep.
Sleeping with Your Baby by James J. McKenna is essentially a guide to safe co-sleeping. Written in a respectful tone, the book includes pictures of unsafe beds, as well as research on the benefits of co-sleeping and some myth-busting.
The Baby Sleep Book by William Sears et al is a comprehensive book on sleep. It helps explain the sleep needs of babies and toddlers, and provides gentle solutions to accommodate the whole family’s sleeping needs.
The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley features how-to’s for every family. Whether you’re trying to lengthen naps, or encourage deeper nighttime sleep, Pantley offers suggestions that will respect babies and minimize tears.
Notre Dame Mother-Baby Sleep Laboratory website A comprehensive resource for parents and professionals, Dr. McKenna’s website has a wealth of free articles and videos explaining the science behind co-sleeping.
Sleeping with Your Baby by James J. McKenna is essentially a guide to safe co-sleeping. Written in a respectful tone, the book includes pictures of unsafe beds, as well as research on the benefits of co-sleeping and some myth-busting.
The Baby Sleep Book by William Sears et al is a comprehensive book on sleep. It helps explain the sleep needs of babies and toddlers, and provides gentle solutions to accommodate the whole family’s sleeping needs.
The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley features how-to’s for every family. Whether you’re trying to lengthen naps, or encourage deeper nighttime sleep, Pantley offers suggestions that will respect babies and minimize tears.
Notre Dame Mother-Baby Sleep Laboratory website A comprehensive resource for parents and professionals, Dr. McKenna’s website has a wealth of free articles and videos explaining the science behind co-sleeping.