Progressive Parenting: Interview with The Other Baby Book Co-Authors Podcast: The Other Baby Book
U.S. News: 6 Baby Services New Parents Should Buy
Miriam Katz interviewed by Attachment Parenting International Podcast: The Other Baby Book
U.S. News: 6 Baby Services New Parents Should Buy
Miriam Katz interviewed by Attachment Parenting International
Hybrid Rasta Mama -
If only there was ONE book that I could really wrap my arms around as a new mother. If only there was ONE book that could be my natural parenting bible. If only a couple of experienced mothers who have embraced a natural, gentle parenting approach would write a book that was easy to digest, made sense, didn’t make mothers feel like they have no clue what to do naturally, and offered oodles and oodles of encouraging words and support? Guess what? Three years AFTER giving birth, two wonderful women (Megan McGrory Massaro and Miriam J. Katz) have FINALLY written this exact book. The Other Baby Book – A Natural Approach To Baby’s First Year is nothing short of brilliant. Actually, it is epic....
A Little Bit of All of It
Charlene Chronicles
Conscience Parenting
Dotal Anecdotes: Life as a Wife
Dulce de Leche
Elimination Communication Could Be Your Ticket Out of Doing the Diapers @ The Stir
Guggie Daly
I Am Not The Babysitter
Job Description: Mommy
Keen for Green
Little Hearts Books
Natural Birth and Baby Care
Natural Parents Network and Up, Down, and Natural
Nature Moms
Organic Mama
Parenting Squad
Positive Parenting Connection
The Mom: Informed
If only there was ONE book that I could really wrap my arms around as a new mother. If only there was ONE book that could be my natural parenting bible. If only a couple of experienced mothers who have embraced a natural, gentle parenting approach would write a book that was easy to digest, made sense, didn’t make mothers feel like they have no clue what to do naturally, and offered oodles and oodles of encouraging words and support? Guess what? Three years AFTER giving birth, two wonderful women (Megan McGrory Massaro and Miriam J. Katz) have FINALLY written this exact book. The Other Baby Book – A Natural Approach To Baby’s First Year is nothing short of brilliant. Actually, it is epic....
A Little Bit of All of It
Charlene Chronicles
Conscience Parenting
Dotal Anecdotes: Life as a Wife
Dulce de Leche
Elimination Communication Could Be Your Ticket Out of Doing the Diapers @ The Stir
Guggie Daly
I Am Not The Babysitter
Job Description: Mommy
Keen for Green
Little Hearts Books
Natural Birth and Baby Care
Natural Parents Network and Up, Down, and Natural
Nature Moms
Organic Mama
Parenting Squad
Positive Parenting Connection
The Mom: Informed